Psssst… did you know we run some events?

Scroll to the bottom to read more & apply as a vendor. Otherwise, here’s a calendar of upcoming book signings & events.

Craft At The Corners

Craft At The Corners

We’re back at Clearwater Corners. We may not be vending each time, but you’re bound to meet some amazing artists and authors, I’ll be happy to introduce you.

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Blank Verse: Prose and Poetry Showcase

Blank Verse: Prose and Poetry Showcase

Blank Verse is a reading series that supports diverse writers of all ages, levels, genres and performance styles including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and spoken word. Each event will feature local poetry and prose writers, and time for open mic and conversation.

Blank Verse is sponsored by Cracked Walnut, a chapter of the League of Minnesota Poets, which aims to generate love for live literature, community, and creativity.

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Did you know we run events?

Craft fairs, author fests, and farmers markets… Oh My!

Not all of the above events above are ours, but a few are. If you’re looking for an indepenant show that will respect your business. click below to see our list of shows, ask questions, or apply?